
Malaysian Skills Certificate Level 2: Module CU02 Earthwork Coordination


Publication Date : 2024
Publisher : Advanced Micro Systems Sdn Bhd
Screen Reader : Supported
Language: : English Version



Earthworks are a level that is formed either by cutting or hoarding the site to house the proposed building depending entirely on the condition of the site whether it has equal, higher or lower levels of the formation level. Before carrying out earthworks activities, site clearing should be carried out such as sanitary activities and cleaning the built-up area or site from all the trees, plants and wood or stumps of dead trees or unnecessary materials. There are several stages of work to know that cover aspects such as site preparation, cutting and compaction, upgrading and cleaning of construction sites. This stage of cleaning work is very important so that we can produce a safe, durable and quality road. In taking measurements, the design of a land or area for site clearing, survey work should be carried out to ensure that flatness, anchoring and cutting work are carried out in accordance with the standards provided in the measurement work taken. Surveying is a measure of the relative position of the points above the surface of the earth to produce the actual state of the entire area. When the point is plotted on a piece of drawing paper using the appropriate scale, then the natural terrain or create so that such as hills, rivers, roads, railways, buildings and others can be formed in the appearance of a plan or map correctly.


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