
2D Animation (Synfig)


Publication Date : 2019
File size : 3.01MB
Page : 44 pages
Publisher : Advanced Business Systems Consultants
Screen Reader : Supported
Language: : English
e-ISBN : 978-967-2403-36-4
Lending : Not Enabled


In this manual you will learn how to create 2D animation using Synfig Studio animation software package.

Synfig Studio is a free and open-source application available for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX. Do you want to create your own animated movie, or just animated postcard, or animation for a game? Synfig can do that for you! You can use Synfig anywhere without limitations – at home, at work or at school.

Create your own animation using Synfig Studio

Learn all basic principles of creating animation of Synfig Studio.
Build and animate characters for your animation.
Learn the basic and everyday animation skills, like face animation and walkcycle.


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