
音频和视频编辑 (Windows Movie Maker) – Audio and Video Editing (Windows Movie Maker)


Publication Date : 2023
File size : 6.34 MB
Word Wise : Enabled
Page : 60 pages
Publisher : Advanced Business Systems Consultants
Screen Reader : Supported
Language: : Chinese Version
Lending : Not Enabled


本课程致力于教授学生音频和视频编辑的基础技能,重点关注Windows Movie Maker软件的应用。学生将学习如何剪辑、合并、调整音量、添加音乐和声效以及创建过渡效果,从而将原始素材转化为精彩的视频作品。课程还包括基本的色彩校正和图像增强技术,以提高视频质量。学生将通过实践项目掌握软件的各项功能,并了解视频编辑的流程和技巧。本课程适合对音频和视频编辑感兴趣的学生,希望为他们的创意项目和社交媒体内容增添专业水平的编辑技能。

Disclaimer: The following ebook is a pure translation from the original English version, and as such, the textual content has been faithfully rendered in the target language. However, please note that certain screenshots or visual elements within this ebook may still be presented in their original English language format. This decision has been made to preserve the integrity of the original content and ensure a comprehensive understanding of the depicted information. We kindly request readers to take this into consideration while engaging with the translated material. If any errors are found in the ebook, please provide feedback to us. Your assistance is highly appreciated, and we will promptly make the necessary corrections.




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