
Microsoft Office 2013 中的新增功能 – New Features in Microsoft Office 2013


Publication Date : 2023
Publisher : Advanced Business Systems Consultants
Screen Reader : Supported
Language: : Chinese Version


本课程旨在介绍Microsoft Office 2013中的最新功能和改进。学生将了解Office 2013带来的创新性特点,包括改进的用户界面、同步和共享功能、云存储支持、触摸设备优化、PDF直接编辑等。课程将重点讲解实时共享和协作功能,以及社交媒体集成,使学生能够更高效地与团队合作和利用社交网络资源。此课程适合Office用户和企业人员,帮助他们快速掌握Office 2013中新增功能,提高工作和学习效率,实现更加便捷、创新的办公体验。

Disclaimer: The following ebook is a pure translation from the original English version, and as such, the textual content has been faithfully rendered in the target language. However, please note that certain screenshots or visual elements within this ebook may still be presented in their original English language format. This decision has been made to preserve the integrity of the original content and ensure a comprehensive understanding of the depicted information. We kindly request readers to take this into consideration while engaging with the translated material. If any errors are found in the ebook, please provide feedback to us. Your assistance is highly appreciated, and we will promptly make the necessary corrections.




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